Ask For What You Need

Being a new mom is hard. Lack of sleep, managing other children, keeping a little human safe and alive is a lot of work. It can take its toll, especially if we are trying to do everything ourselves.

When we take too much on we can feel:

Feelings Mammha

Sometimes we wait too long to ask for help and by the time we do, we can be really angry. This can be a sign we waited too long.

Sometimes we wish others were mind readers, and could just know what we needed as we do for others.

Other times we like being able to do things for ourselves and think we should be able to handle everything and we get mad at ourselves when we can’t.

It’s important to know our partners, friends, and family aren’t minded readers, and a lot of times we need to let others know what we need and when we need it. We also need to know that it used to take a village to raise a child for a reason because no one can do it on their own.

Here are some helpful hints other new moms have used when learning to ask for help. Try to practice asking for help every day. Even for tiny things. Learn to make this part of your daily life to lighten your load and keep anger and frustration low.

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Be Specific

“Can you take the baby so I can take a shower?”

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Give Choices

Do you want to do the dishes or read a book to the baby tonight?”

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“Can we take turns with the baby at night? One night I get up with the baby and the next night you take the night shift?”

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Asking for help when you need it.

“My baby didn’t get a lot of sleep last night and I am exhausted. I am going to call my mom to ask her to come to watch the baby while I take a nap.”

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Don’t assume people are mind readers, let them know what you need.

“I know you want to help when I am sad and give suggestions but I just really need you to listen and say it will be ok.”