Checking-In: Anxiety

Check-In Example: High Anxiety

How is your anxiety today?

  • Some common responses can be they have noticed less anxiety since starting treatment. A nice response to back, “What do you think is different?” Or “What do you think is working?”

  • Other responses Care Coordinators get from moms, are they are noticing an increase in anxiety. Some follow up comments and questions. “I am so sorry to hear that. Can you tell me what the anxiety looks like? What it feels like?”

    • Worry thoughts?

    • Thoughts that won’t stop?

    • Scary thoughts?

    • Panic?

  • Knowing what the anxiety looks like makes it easier to find the right resource.

  • Ask if they have had this anxiety before? What used to work? Can they do any of the things that worked in the past now?

  • Consider sharing a podcast on motherhood and anxiety.

  • Encouraging them to join a support group.

  • Share one of these techniques with them.

  • Additionally, with anxiety, you can check in to see:

    • Is she eating regularly? Is she eating enough protein? A dip in blood sugar can increase anxiety symptoms.

    • Is she getting sunshine? Is she getting outside? Can she open the blinds?

    • Can she move a little? Can she take a walk if that feels comfortable? Can she google a postpartum yoga video on youtube?

    • Ask if she has had her blood work done recently? Low iron and vitamin D levels can cause cause increased anxiety.

    • Encourage her to turn off the news and take a break from social media.

    • When she is feeling her anxiety rise, can she reach out to call a friend or a family member?

    • Can she watch something funny on tv?