Recommended Apps


Below are apps that your moms may find helpful.

Canopie App - Free

  • Free app with CBT techniques and tools

  • Recommended if a mom has a long wait for therapy. If they need an intervention right away. You can let mom know, this is self guided content, based on your symptoms. You can let them know that women who have completed the course feel a decrease in their symptom severity.

Mindful Mamas

  • For sleep and meditations

Recommended if a mom is having lots of anxiety and mediations could be helpful. Highly recommended by other moms.

Candlelit Therapy

For moms of color

Gotman App: 


  • If mom is having issues with her partner

Recommended if a mom is having challenges with their partner.

Peanut App

  • We have been told it’s like the tinder for moms.

Recommended for mom if If she talks about feeling alone, being the only one in her friend group to have a baby, or If she just moved.

Calm App


  • If she is having a hard time sleeping

Headspace App


  • If she is having a hard time sleeping

Insight Timer App

Dana App 

  • For Spanish Speaking Moms

Free Courses

  • Mothers and Babies Course

  • Free and teaches women great skills and techniques

  • Spanish and English