Mammha Overview

Mammha Overview 

Goals and Mission of Mammha 

Mammha was created to ensure finding care is easy for both providers caring for perinatal women, and women who are experiencing a maternal mental health complication, such as depression and anxiety. We created Mammha so that no woman has to do this alone, or struggle to find her own way. Mammha creates a system whereby doctors are supported when they ask women how they are feeling, and those women are provided better, faster support.

With Whom does Mammha Work?

Mammha works with OB/GYNs, pediatricians, neonatologists, occupational therapists, midwives, nurses, social workers, and Advanced Nurse Practitioners (APRNs). We also work with mothers, families, and therapists. 

What is a Mammha Care Coordinator?

Mammha Care Coordinators can be a mom’s lifeline. They can help moms access care, feel supported, and they circle back to physicians and providers to inform them that patients have been contacted, and any follow-up steps that need to be taken by the Care Coordinator. For example, connecting her to a therapist, or inviting her to mom groups every week.  

How Mammha Care Coordinators Communicate with Moms

  • Text Communication

  • Phone Communication

  • 98% of communication is through text messages

  • 2% will request to talk by phone for the first contact, with follow-up communication via text message

 Types of Responses from Moms to Care Coordinators from Initial Contact

  • 10% never engage with their Care Coordinator

    • No response to 3 attempts of contact 

  • 5% engage one time 

    • Mom may respond to let you know text is best, then the Care Coordinator gives resources, and may not hear back from mom.

    •  They express to you that their anxiety is normal

    • They express that they already have a mental health team, and do not require follow-up services

  • 85% engage more than 2 times

    • These moms stay connected on average for 6 weeks and longer

Who Interacts with Care Coordinators and Who Doesn’t

From data we collected in a 6-month pilot involving 4 OB offices with 206 screens conducted, patient’s with scores greater than 15 on the the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Screen (EPDS), notably, 100% engaged with Care Coordination. The least likely to engage were women with scores less than 15 on the EPDS.

Mammha Care Coordinator Interaction with Mom

  • Average interactions are 63 text messages (that is total number back and forth)

  • The least amount of interactions to-date has been 7, and the highest has been over 370

Roles of a Mammha Care Coordinator 

  • Helps connect moms with therapists 

  • Invites moms to support groups

  • Checks in on her 

  • If the mom starts taking medicine, checks in on how she feels with the medicine

  • Speaks to family members on her behalf

  • Addresses any challenges the she might face in receiving services

  • Celebrates when she is feeling better

  • Gives her hope when she is feeling down

  • Provides resources such as articles, tools, and podcasts

  • Follow up within 24 hours to the provider to inform them whether contact was made